The Institute for Testing and Certification, a.s. carries out the certification of gaming equipment and systems in many other countries in addition to the Czech Republic.
Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic department 73 - Procedural agendas and regulation of gambling
- ACT No. 186/2016 Coll. on gambling as amended (by Act No. 527/2020 Coll. amending Act No. 253/2008 Coll., On Certain Measures against the Legalization of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism, as amended, and other related acts, laws related to the adoption of the Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners and Act No. 186/2016 Coll., on gambling, as amended)
- Decree No. 208/2017 Coll. of 27 June 2017, which establishes the scope of technical parameters for devices through which games of chance are operated and requirements for the protection and preservation of gaming and financial data and their technical parameters
- Decree No. 433/2021 Coll., Decree on output documents in the field of gambling
- Decree No. 429/2021 Coll., Decree amending Decree No. 208/2017 Coll., which lays down the scope of technical parameters for equipment through which gambling is operated, the requirements for the protection and storage of game and financial data and their technical parameters.
National Revenue Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria
- The Gambling Act (Effective from 01.07.2012) as amended: Prom. SG issue 26 of March 30, 2012, supplement SG Issue 54 of July 17, 2012, supplement SG No. 82 of October 26, 2012, ext. SG issue 94 of 30 November 2012, amended SG No. 68 of August 2, 2013, amended. and ext. SG issue 1 of January 3, 2014, amended and ext. SG issue 105 of 19 December 2014, supplement SG issue 61 of 11 August 2015, amended SG issue 79 of 13 October 2015, amended SG issue 74 of 20 September 2016, amended and ext. SG No. 98 of December 9, 2016, supplement. SG issue 103 of 28 December 2017, supplement. SG issue 42 of 28 May 2019, amended and ext. SG issue 14 of 18 February 2020, and ext. SG issue 69 of 4 August 2020 amended SG 104/ 2020, amended and supplement SG 11/ 2021, amended and supplement SG 14/2021).
- Decree № 31 of 1 February 2021 for adoption of an Ordinance on the general technical and functional requirements to the gaming software and communication equipment for online betting and games by other electronic means of communication.
- Decree № 33 of 3 February 2021 on the adoption of an Ordinance on the general mandatory technical requirements for gambling control systems and gaming equipment
- Decree № 50 of 15 February 2021 on the adoption of an Ordinance on the terms and conditions for registration and identification of participants, the storage of data on organized online betting on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the submission of information about gambling to a server of the NRA (National Revenue Agency)
- Decree № 153 of April 12, 2021 on the adoption of an Ordinance on the terms and conditions for entry of laboratories in the register under Art. 20, para. 1, item 4 of the Gambling Act, on the requirements for testing and the procedure for carrying out inspections of gaming equipment, jackpot systems, gaming software and communication equipment and self-service devices for organizing lottery
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia, Tax Administration, Central Office
- The Act on Games of Chance Official Gazette (NN) 87/09, 35/13, 158/13, 41/14, 143/14)
- Ordinance on organizing remote betting games (NN 8/10, 63/10, 22/15)
- Ordinance on Technical Compliance of Slot Machines and Gaming Tables (NN 38/10, 130/10, 49/13, 12/14
- Ordinance on organizing lottery games (NN 78/10, 69/11, 22/15, 45/16, 101/18).
- The Regulation on Organizing Casino Games of Chance Played Through Interactive Sales Channels of On-Line Gaming No. 78/10.
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia, Tax and Customs Board
Gambling Act dated 15th October 2008, as amended in RT I, 21.11.2020, (came into force on 01.01.2021.
Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection of the Republic of Latvia
- Information to be included on the compliance certificates of slot gaming machines, equipment and slot machine game programs
- Issued pursuant to the Article 4(7) of the Law on Gambling and Lotteries, Regulation No 786 (Ref No. 65 §21) November 20, 2007 as last amended in 24.01.2017.
- The Gambling and Lotteries Law with amendments adopted by the Parliament on 8 June 2006.
- Regulation No. 715 - Procedure for the Registration and Identity Verification of Participants in Interactive Gaming and interactive lotteries, dated 13 Dec 2017.
- Regulation No. 786 - Information to be included on the compliance certificates of slot gaming machines, equipment and slot machine game programs, dated 20 November 2007.
- Regulation No. 189 - Regulation on organising sales of lottery tickets and accepting payments for participation in interactive games of chance and interactive lotteries
- Regulation No. 188 - Regulations on the information that shall be included in the conformity review of game programmes used to organize interactive gambling or interactive lotteries
- Regulation No. 300 - Amendments to the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of 5 December 2017 No. 715 "Procedures on the registration and identity verification of players in interactive games of chance and interactive lotteries" (Riga, May 29, 2018)
Malta Gaming Authority (MGA)
- L.N. 243 of 2018 - GAMING ACT (CAP. 583) Gaming Authority Regulations, 2018
- Directive 2 of 2018 - Player Protection Directive
- Policy-Paper-on-Amending-the-Return-to-Player-Minimum-Percentage
- MGA-System Audit document (Last Updated on August, 2018).
- Compliance Audit Manual - Last updated on August 2018.
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Srpska Administration of Lottery Games
- The Act on Games of Chance of Republika Srpska - Official Gazette RS 22-19 of 20 March 2019 including amendment 131/20
- Rulebook on conducting technical inspection of devices and technologies for organizing games of chance (Official Gazette RS 21-21)
- Regulation On Operating Electronic Games Of Chance (Official Gazette RS 50-19
- Rulebook on games of Chance on Internet (Official Gazette RS 45/19) including amendments from PC 64-19 and PC 104-19
- Rule Book About The Organization Of Betting Games Of Chance (Official Gazette 50-19) Ref. 06.05/020-2117/19 Dated 17.06.2019
Gaming Board of Tanzania
- The Gaming Act, published 10th February 2003)
- The Sports Betting Rules, 2016, made under Section 7(2)(h) of The Gaming Act, Cap. 41.