
Act No. 186/2016 Coll. on gambling (the Gambling Act) - here

Decree No. 208/2017 Coll., which establishes the range of technical parameters for devices through which gambling games are operated, requirements for the protection and storage of gaming and financial data and their technical parameters - here 

Decree No. 429/2021 Coll., which amends Decree No. 208/2017 Coll., which establishes the range of technical parameters for devices through which gambling games are operated, requirements for the protection and storage of game and financial data and their technical parameters - here

Decree No. 433/2021 Coll. on output documents for gambling - here 

Act No. 187/2016 Coll. on gambling tax - here

Act No. 188/2016 Coll., which amends certain laws in connection with the adoption of the Gambling Act and the Gambling Tax Act - here 

Note: Act No. 202/1990 Coll., on lotteries and other similar games (repealed as of January 1, 2017) and related decrees No. 223/1993 Coll., on gaming devices; No. 285/1998 Coll., on conditions for monitoring and keeping records in the casino; No. 315/1999 Coll., on the method of announcing competitions, polls and other events for prizes that are not commercial lotteries; can be found here.